Minutes of the 100th AGM of Kettering Allotments Association, held on 14 March 2018 at Corn Market Hall, 7:45 pm

Present: Present: H Pope, J Burn, C Hulston, B Nix, N Elson, T Munt, L Farmer, J Weed, M Walton, B Mitcheson, D Johnson, C Bertholet-Wright, M Briggs, G Cherry, C Randall, I Bickle, M Garikipati, D Haylett

Apologies: R Attwood, J Pope, P Mullins, M Ozdemir, S Munt, G Gilbert, K Gilbert

  1. Minutes of the 2017 AGM. Copies were circulated and approved as correct. Proposed J weed, seconded D Johnson.

  2. Report of the secretary was read in his absence by the Chairman.

  3. Treasurer's report was presented by J Burn. A few questions from the floor seeking clarification. The report was then approved.

  4. Election of Officers – R Attwood as secretary and J Burn as treasurer – proposed by B Nix and seconded by J Weed. The motion was carried.

  5. Election of members of the management committee. H Pope, I Bickle, G White and M Ozdemir stood for re-election. Proposed by B Nix and J Weed. The motion was carried.

  6. New rule. The following new rule was proposed by the committee: If rent has not been paid by the 1st February and a member wishes to continue the tenancy, then a non-refundable advance payment will be required of a further year's rent. This proposal was formally proposed by C Hulston, seconded by Glenn Cherry and carried.

  7. Auditors and solicitors for 2018. It was agreed to continue with our membership of NSALG and delegate choice of auditors to the management committee as in previous years.

  8. 2019 AGM – agreed to be second Tuesday in March.

  9. Suggestions from the membership:- to include the AGM date and time in rent reminders.

End of meeting