Kettering Allotments Society

Agenda of the 102nd

Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 10th March 2020

7:45pm at the Corn Market Hall


  1. Welcome

  2. Report of the committee (secretary)

  3. 2019 Accounts (treasurer)

  4. Election of Officers

  5. Election of management committee - see * below

  6. Proposals for approval -

  7. Appointment of Auditors for 2020 accounts

  8. Appointment of solicitors

  9. Date of next AGM

  10. AOB - general discussion to include suggestions for the committee to consider

*Note: The following committee members are eligible for re-election, having served a two year term :

C Thorley, G White, I Bickle, M Ozdemir, H Pope

a new committee member has been nominated for election: Mr John Negus

Kettering Allotments Kettering Allotments